Sasha & Cami Stone

Sasha Stone was born Aleksander Serge Steinsapir in St. Petersburg in 1895 of Jewish parents. In Germany, where Stone became a photographer, he belonged to the circle around the important artistic periodical "G".

He lived and worked in Europe and America between the wars and is best known for his portraits, nude studies, photographs of Berlin and for his photojournalism. Both he and his wife Cami's photographs were published in the German photography annual Das Deutsche Lichtbild.

Cami Stone (1898-1975) was born Wilhelmine Schammelhout in Belgium. After a stay in New York, where she founded an import-export company and, in 1918, married a wealthy banker (who disappeared without trace a few months later), she moved to Berlin and joined the circle around Sasha Stone. Influenced by the Bauhaus aesthetics and New Objectivity, both became pioneers of photo journalism and advertising photography.

Sasha Stone and his wife Cami fled Germany in 1932. His nude work appeared in "Les Femmes", which was published by Editions Arts et Metiers Graphiques, Paris, in 1933. His nudes are usually in poses that are quite modernist in sensibility and the lighting emphasizes the sculptural shapes and angles of the women.

Stone and his wife Cami moved to Brussels in 1932. The studio was located at 18 rue de Naples until the German invasion of Belgium in 1940. He was killed that year by the Nazis.

Photos by Sasha and Cami Stone in the Anamorfose collection

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