Pictorialist Landscapes

Landscape Photography in Pictorialism 

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Landscape photography was an excellent means for the Pictorialist photographers to express their vision of an ideal world.
That's the reason why landscape photography is one of the leading subjects in pictorialist photography.

Pictorialism and Impressionism are parallel movements in art history. Just like the painters, the photographers leave their studios to discover the light and the open air. Pictorialist photographers use the same techniques as the Impressionist painters. Are they copying the painters? Perhaps. Entire libraries have already been written about this subject. Depending on the writer, the copier is either the painter or the photographer.
Let's put things differently: both, the painter and the photographer, are children of their time and are expressing the mood and style of the turn of the twentieth century.

I agree that at precisely during that period the awareness about originality becomes bigger and bigger. Both the Impressionist Painter and the Pictorialist Photographer are seeking a new and original direction in art.
For the first time the artists are organized in international movements. The most known photographic movements are The Linked Ring in England and Le Photoclub de Paris in France.
Other countries had similar organizations. In Belgium there was L'Association Belge de Photography. The Pictorialist photos in this exhibition are mostly Belgian. I know it sounds chauvinist, but the quality of Belgian pictorialism is like our chocolate: pure and timeless....

We are proud to be able to offer you the largest Internet exhibition of Pictorialist Landscape Photography.

Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 photos)

Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 photos)

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The vintage photos featured on this website are single vintage photographs to be purchased as a collectors item.
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