Marcel Vanderkindere pictorialist photographer
The pure pictorialist landscape
Marcel Vanderkindere (1865 - 1941) was a prominent Belgian pictorialist at the turn of the twentieth century. His work was international exhibited and published.His work has a very high quality but is very rare to find.
"In M. M. Vanderkindere Belgium possesses a pictorial worker of high rank, both as regards technique and artistic taste. In his pictures, which are chiefly landscapes, one finds much of the same qualities which distinguish those of Mr. Horsley Hinton and other English pictorialists of the same school. There is a similar effective grouping of materials not too promising in themselves, the same skilful lighting, and the same sentiment and poetic feeling. Several works we remember bear evident traces of the " English School of Landscape Photography," which is frankly admitted by many leading Belgian workers to " embrace a fine sense of the beautiful in nature, restrained within truly pictorial limits by a skilful use of both material and a sure handling of tone values." In both the examples of M. Vanderkindere's work which have been reproduced herein the qualities to which we have drawn attention are present in a satisfying degree, although reproductions, however carefully made, cannot always do full justice to pictures which rely so much for their charm upon the nuance of the original."
The Studio, Art in Photography, 1904
Annual Exhibition of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain , London, 1904
Troisième Exposition d'Art Photographique, Paris, 1896
Die Kunst in der Photographie, 1899