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The photomontage originates in the Vicitorian times with the combination of different Paper negatives into one positive print. Examples are the portraits where a figure is placed onto another background or the landscapes where another sky is used.
The photomontage is at its best with the German Dadaïsts John Hartfield and Hannah Höch after the First World War. At that moment the photomontage was a technique used to find a new language in the search to show a different reality.
The photomontages we show are fine examples of the Victorian group portraits. German soldiers took them home as a souvenir when they left the army. They are very complex photomontages of sometimes 30 or more different Paper negatives combined into one picture.
Besides these Victorian photomontages we show the montages made by the Belgian designer Hameryckx. He used the photomontage to design ads. Now we use Photoshop to combine different images.
© Xavier Debeerst, 18/12/2003

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Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 photos)