Documentary Photography

Documentary Photography
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Documentary photography is often related to photo-journalism or to the one-on-one representation of reality.
In our vision documentary photography is much more than just photo-journalism and the representation of reality. All kinds of photography try to represent some kind of reality.Documentary photography can be another way of looking at reality, as opposed to Pictorialism. (normally in literature Pictorialism is defined in opposition to documentary photography, on the AnamorFose website it's the opposite, as usual...) It's a more clearcut look on reality than the manipulated photography by the Pictorialists. The documentary photographer won't touch the photographic surface in order to correct something. The photoeditor does!
The photographers point of view is more "neutral" and his ambitions are less artistic. The purpose of the photo is also different. It's less the expression of a feeling but more the expression of a point of view or idea.
I don't believe in photography as a pure registration of reality by using a mechanical medium. The image will always reflect the character of the photographer of technician. That's what makes photography so fascinating.