Bruno Vermeersch: Misleading seduction
By way of exception we have invited a contemporary photographer. It is certainly a risk to include a contemporary amateur photographer in the history of photography. The result of their work can be very misleading. Be warned.
Bruno Vermeersch is an exception. He is an extremely talented amateur-photographer with a solid knowledge of the photo history who succeeds in capturing more than 100 years of photo history in one single image.
Shots of trivial, everyday subjects and situations made with a simple digital camera or mobile phone and then processed as a bromoil and digitally enlarged and printed. A noble process going back to the pictorialists.
Bruno Vermeersch doesn’t make a vintage or nostalgic image but he creates a new imagery based on ancient techniques. As such he is one of the few contemporary photographers going beyond the trivial image using ancient printing techniques.
His images are an unreal mix of atmosphere and confrontation. They give a new dimension to the concepts of vintage and vernacular photography.